

This category contains 4 posts

Adrian’s Spring Break Book Response

1. Watch or read something that’s related to your project idea. That might involve Netflix or a magazine or asking Google or something more creative. http://nyhittingacademy.blogspot.com/ 2. Click on a category on the right that’s related to your own interests (like “film’) and comment on at least three other project ideas. https://thisisflow.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/jonathan-guzman-map/#comment-169 https://thisisflow.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/cindys-map/ https://thisisflow.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/piels-flow-map/ 3. … Continue reading

amadou project

why are some rappers underrated? why does music hype people up? using auto-tune  helps music better? rules differences between the wnba and the Nba

Chris’s map

Jonathan Guzman map